Great news from the 069 Hub: Resident Hero Marcelle is back! After taking a baby break, she’s now back on fire and can’t wait to be back in the Red Zone! We caught up with Marcelle for a quick catch-up interview. Let’s hiit it!

How long has it been since your last class?
Oh gosh! It has been about 14 months. It feels like a lifetime ago, yet when I walk into the Red Zone, it feels like I’ve never left.
How did you prepare for your first classes as a Resident Hero after pregnancy?
I prepared by going back to where it all starts…the Red Zone. I went into the studio by myself, turned the music on, the lights on, the mic on and started teaching a class to the empty room. When you are a Resident Hero, the Red Zone becomes your stage. When you are in there by yourself, with everything on (including your nerves), the entire thing comes together to create such an amazing energy and adrenaline rush. I just had to learn how to run around the room without falling over any benches.
What are you most looking forward to in your Resident Hero comeback?
Seeing all the people again. When you teach or work with people in general (within any occupation), you often end up giving people all your energy. But at UH, this energy is returned to you by the people pushing it in the RedZone. Leaving us at trainers feeling just as fulfilled as the clients when we leave. So with that said…BRING ME YOU ENERGY HEROES!
What can our Heroes look forward to in your classes?
The heat! We will run our hearts out and then push past our limits on the floor. I like to bring people to the ‘point of failure’, just to show them how strong they are and how much further they can go!
When did you start doing sports again after your pregnancy? And how long did you wait before you started training in the Red Zone again?
I waited until about 12 weeks postpartum before I started exercising again. I started light as I had to find out how to move again without a huge belly. For the Red Zone I waited until probably 4 months PP. This varies for every mama. I had a C-section, so had to wait a little longer with recovery. I started first doing double floor, until I could run again.
What exercises in particular helped you get back to your old fitness level.
Ladies! Kegel! Lol!!! I also focused on all the basics. Squats, Shoulder presses, pushups, planks, deadlift, rows.
Have you also visited Recharge during the last months?
We don’t have any grandparents close by and no other childcare help, so with Urban Heroes offering quick and effective workouts, I definitely attended a few Recharge and Red Zone classes when it was possible.
Do you have any tips for Hero Mommys or Mommys to be that you can share?
Try to incorporate exercise into your daily routine with your little ones. Don’t wait for your baby to sleep, coz when your baby is sleeping, there are a million other things you need to do (or you need a nap yourself). The little ones LOVE watching mama sweat. Maxi couldn’t stop laughing at me when I was doing pushups or burpees. He still loves when I pick him up and squat with him. Have fun exercising WITH your kids. FYI, Urban Heroes still have a few workouts on YouTube. Game changer!
How has your little boy changed your Hero Mindset?
He added more ‘drive’ to my Hero Mindset. He makes me want to live healthier, stronger and with more passion, coz that is the role I want to model to him. I want him to grow up strong and confident. The best way to get him to do this, is to SHOW him.
What do you love most about being a mom?
Having a little human that loves me unconditionally just the way I love him. It’s a different kind of love. It’s bigger! It’s stronger! It’s like SUPER HERO love! #HeroLove #HeroFamily
Before Marcelle went on maternity leave, we recorded a podcast episode with her and Resident Hero Safia – all about pregnancy, working out and becoming a mum!